HOW TO DO HARD THINGS // Lately it’s been a time for trying out new things for me. But new things can be hard things, because Ego hates change, even when no change is miserable. And so Ego will whisper mean things to scare you into staying with the no change. You know? (Ego is a Bossy Bitch as one of my client says.)
But I’ve now taken the leap enough times to know the pattern of when Ego shows up and what it tries to do. And when I know the pattern it’s a lot easier to resist Ego’s scare tactics. So this is what I’ve noticed. Tell me what you think.
First, there’s excitement. Sparkly water. The promise of fun. A new experience and chance for growth. That’s usually the driving force to get me moving, jumping off the boat into the air.
Then in the last second before my feet leave the edge, the nervousness sets in. Ego is really throwing a tantrum now. I’ll want to turn around, take it all back, forget the whole thing. If I’m smart enough, my jump of excitement had enough impetus to make the turning back impossible. Ego be damned! And so mid-air I relax. There’s nothing left to do now except maybe hold on to my life vest a bit. (For me that life vest is made of the trust in my self through consistent self-care and self-love AND the skills I’ve developed to deal with hard things. Skills like knowing my truth, speaking my truth, taking my time, staying in my power, and having a sense of humor.) And with my life vest wrapped tightly and my feet approaching the water I have fun with it. I smile in the thrill of it all and maybe even let out a little shriek of I did it-ness.
Sound right for you? What’s different in your process?
And over the next few days on my stories I’ll be sharing some of the new things I’m trying out, because they are things you may want to check out too. Stay tuned.