NOTICING // I was so inspired by this idea shared a while back by @michaelbbeckwith. He explained that there is no use for jealousy. When we see in others something we’d like to have more of in ourselves, their value doesn’t decrease our own, it nurtures it! By saying, “Hey, I love this about you,” you are giving your soul a new possibility with which to align. “I like how you are patient,” you say to a friend. That plants a seed inside of you, the seed of possibility for more patience. Before truly noticing that in a friend the idea of more patience may not have even existed for you. Now it does.
Celebrate all the awesome around you. By enjoying it you are aligning yourself with it as well.
As our Healing Collective Graduates explore and align with their own femininity, I am asking them to celebrate all the different ways femininity exists around them. In an endless range of hairstyles, clothing, body shapes, sizes, mannerisms, and frequencies, the wild feminine comes out to play. There is no one definition of femininity that any of us must adhere to and what we are packaged and sold as feminine by the marketing industry may appease some, but what are others craving? The plethora of fetishes and varying palates makes it is clear, your brand of femininity is delicious. Serve it up! ?✨?