V // I got this necklace today. I didn’t know if I even liked it or why. My husband asked me what’s with the V. “I don’t know. It just made me giggle.” As I began prepping for the our Healing Collective call tonight the V made perfect sense. We have a special guest on our call tonight. He’s a practitioner helping women find somatic sexual wholeness. The V Guy. Yes. Seriously.
Do you know how many women want to find more healing, more love, more connection, more intimacy? Do you know how many women struggle to feel free, safe, excited, joyful about their sex lives despite loving partners? Nearly all of the women who find their way to me.
So I’m excited. I’m so glad for these women to have one more way to heal. For them to find one more way back to themselves.
It’s all about the vagina. Femininity. Creativity. Flow. Surrender. These are the tools of healing.
Women, if you are healing and you haven’t yet explored the emotions and experiences stored away in your vagina, go there when you are ready. See what’s there. I firmly believe it’s all about the V.