MAMA’S DAY // Today I enjoyed a beautiful Mother’s Day Tea at my daughter’s school. As we chatted and laughed, many of the mothers joked about how they hoped for time with their families, but also some time alone. Quiet time to reflect, recoup, reconnect with themselves and to appreciate the beauty in what they have created.
Sometimes we need a moment apart from something to see it. To stand back, take it all in, and to stare in awe.
In life, like in healing, let’s ask for what we need. A few moments to take a bath, an extra long massage, or even a few days away – ask for it.
After a crazy busy year with my husband’s schedule, my daughters’ schools, the launching of Healing Collectives, my 35th birthday, and this increasing desire to write what I’ve learned about healing, I knew I wanted something kind of big. Some time away and alone. That’s happening next week. Me in Mexico with a friend to relax, create, synthesize, reflect, work, write, and just be. My time to take it all in.
I can’t wait to share it with you.
For now, trip prep and soaking up my family is what’s in store. How are you spending your special weekend? What would you ask for if you could have what you really wanted?