CREAMY CASHEW ZUCCHINI MEXICAN SOUP // I don’t know why I don’t make this more often. It’s so easy and delicious. In fact it takes me longer to say the name than it does to whip it up and woof it down. Maybe we’ll just call it Green Yum for short.
– 8 oz cashews soaked for 2 hours
– 2 zucchini’s chopped and steamed
– 2 cups of the steamed zucchini water
– 6 cloves of garlic
– A handful of cilantro
– Juice from 2 limes
– Season to taste (I use salt, paprika, chili powder, adobo, sumac, cumin)
– Blend and serve warm with avocado and a dollop of Siracha cashew cheese by @blodekuhla
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