VVV // When you are with your women it feels so very right. I wish there was a word to convey the depth, the comfort, the home kind of feeling. . One …
SMITTEN // Yesterday was our first full day here in Hawaii. None of us have ever been before so there is so much magic to take in. The first bit of …
WHAT WE CRAFT // I've been thinking on how we can access our creativity at different times in our lives. I've learned that creativity IS how we heal. …
ON WHO YOU ARE BECOMING // When you are becoming who you aren't yet, it's the hardest to stay in the transition and not to try to go back to the old …
THANK FULL // Still. Especially for leftovers of this Thanksgiving pear cranberry crisp. It works for breakfast. And lunch if you add a side of …
FOR WHEN YOU SUCK // Recently I sucked. Maybe because of stress, a lack of sleep, or a powerful confluence of dark energies, but I became a caricature …
HOW TO DO HARD THINGS // Lately it's been a time for trying out new things for me. But new things can be hard things, because Ego hates change, even …
THAT WOMAN // Are you just perpetually astounded and grateful for the special people in your life? I am. And I want to share one of them with you …
CRAVING // Getting a hankering for some newness, time away, and out of our routine. It made me remember this awesome weekend away in Ojai last month. …