PRINCIPLES FOR HEALING // I’ve now deconstructed my composition book from the last year and half, and emptied and printed the notes from my phone. I’m compiling and organizing everything I have learned about healing to its temporary home on my wall. I have so enjoyed this process reflecting and clarifying. I also can’t wait though for the next phase where the words on the wall meet the ones already tapped into my computer. Then they make sweet love and a baby book is born. That’s how I envision it happening anyway.
Right in the center of it all is our house mascot – a lone, stock photo filled picture frame. In the middle of my sick time it was intended to be part of a photo collage wall. That’s the one frame my friend hung to get me started and that’s also as far as I got.
Now it stands as a back drop to all the birthday wish blow outs and the shared family meals – a reminder of where we have been and how good it is to be where we are now